
How well are Australian grants addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
The Future of Funding: How well are Australian grants addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals? analyses funds distributed on the SmartyGrants platform between 2013 and 2020. The report is the second in the Future of Funding series.

The ethics of automated classification: a case study using a dignity lens
The SmartyGrants Innovation Lab evaluated a dignity lens analytic tool released in 2021 by the Centre for Public Impact as an ethics framework. This white paper demonstrates how the tool was applied retrospectively to help the SmartyGrants Innovation Lab audit each decision made in CLASSIEfier’s development.

Ethical considerations in multilabel text classifications
Some of you may have heard of CLASSIEfier, a tool based on CLASSIE that automatically identifies the subject and beneficiaries of a grant application in SmartyGrants. But how trustworthy is an automatic classification tool? What assurances do SmartyGrants users have that the tool is accurate? Our Community’s Innovation Lab data scientists set out to find out

SmartyGrants COVID-19 Grantmaking Survey 2020
Over two weeks in June 2020, Our Community's Innovation Lab conducted a survey of 87 grantmakers to learn how the COVID-19 crisis had affected grants processes and to gather information on best practice trends within the broader grantmaking community.
Now there’s a new currency that’s powering social reform
Our Community’s Innovation Lab is where we seed ideas to do old things better or new things first. Learn more about our latest data projects and our upcoming events and meetups.
Grantseeker studies
The Grants in Australia research study is the nation's largest survey of community organisations and not-for-profit, seeking their views about grants and grantmakers.
It is a resource for both grantmakers and grantseekers, and is aimed at improving the process of both obtaining grants, and delivering them.
The latest edition - published in August 2018 - is the tenth report since the study began in 2006.
An output of Our Community Innovation Lab, the report is part of an ongoing research project charting the development of grantmaking from the grantseeking community's perspective.
The survey informs the work of Our Community and its enterprises (most notably SmartyGrants and the Funding Centre), as well as providing important data and key reference points for Australian grantmakers and grantseekers, academics, social sector enablers, and others interested in the field.
A total of 2012 people completed the latest survey, conducted online in the three months to May 2018.
Only grantseekers who had applied for a grant in the past 12 months were eligible to complete the survey.